Valentine’s Day Notes: Bhawna Khattar, Rajashree VS and Dhara

So, remember our Valentine’s Day meetup? We had people telling us their favourite characters they’d like to date on V-day. We begin with Bhawna’s list. More to come. Stay tuned

Bhawna’s List

Jason Gilbert, I had a crush on Jason Gilbert while reading The Class by Erich Segal, cried my eyes out when he died. Of course he had to die, because my life is fucking tragic. Anyway, he is the kind of guy a woman would always remember ( ❤ ) for his courage and kindness and loving nature and because of his background and internal conflict he went through all the time to define his personality. But he did what he believed in and that’s what I love; it was never easy but he did it anyway! I love such people who believe in dreams and are passionate about what they do, and the people who are not afraid of conflicts and are still cool.

And then I died while reading The Zoya Factor because I was blushing for 2 days straight- Nikhil Khoda (OH MY GOD!). Hot, charming, sassy, intelligent but still caring and loving, not your typical bad boy but not a typical good guy either. But I fell in love with the way he melted, and I could just picture the way he would hold her and look at her. Shitttt! Who would not want that?

Okay, so these two characters I had a crush on but again, even with them I would have to see how my relationship develops because well, crush is only the start, right ? Like in real life. I don’t sound delusional at all. 😛

Rajashree’s List

sorry for missing out on the meeting and a formal introduction while mailing. I would be looking forward to the Next meet up. Talking about a fictional love with Mr. Nonexistent bookish Crush, i would have definitely liked to take Mr. Darcy on a date, its nothing like getting under the skin of a guy who always on high horses.
Dhara’s crush
 Mine would be Tom … of Tom and Jerry.
And we would have fun all the day long playing, chasing and irritating each other and have a blast whole day long. 🙂

One thought on “Valentine’s Day Notes: Bhawna Khattar, Rajashree VS and Dhara

  1. Hahaha, Looking forward the next meet up, rereading Crime and Punishment… this book always leaves me brooding and pmsing… :P– Rajashree


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